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Assisted Living in San Bruno, CA

San Bruno is a small city located in San Mateo County, CA. Approximately 14.9% of San Bruno’s population of a little less than 44,000 citizens are aged 65 and over. Residents of San Bruno enjoy a quintessential San Francisco Bay Area lifestyle. The city is known for its abundant green spaces and ethnically diverse population. San Bruno City Park has picnic spots and hiking trails, and the downtown core features a variety of unique shops, galleries, restaurants and entertainment venues housed in early 20th-century Western-style buildings. Thanks to the area’s Mediterranean climate, golf enthusiasts can enjoy teeing off 12 months out of the year at Crystal Springs Golf Course.

Residents of assisted living facilities in San Bruno pay an average of $6,100 per month. Prices of individual facilities vary, however, depending on a number of factors. These factors include where the facility is located in the community, the quality and amount of the amenities and services it offers.

6 Assisted Living communities in San Bruno, CA | 20 nearby communities

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1. Golden Manor of San Bruno

2045 Sea Cliff Way, San Bruno, CA, 94066

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Access Care Center

2511 Catalpa Way, San Bruno, CA, 94066

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Gonzales Home II

3645 Fleetwood Drive, San Bruno, CA, 94066

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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Home At Crestmoor, San Bruno, CA

4. Home At Crestmoor

2600 Plymouth Way, San Bruno, CA, 94066

Residential Care

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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C & C's Care Home, San Bruno, CA

5. C & C’s Care Home

2700 Oakmont Dr, San Bruno, CA, 94066

Residential Care

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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6. Heirloom Gardens of San Bruno

2976 Fleetwood Dr., San Bruno, CA, 94066

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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20 matching communities nearby San Bruno

1. Atria Park of San Mateo

2883 South Norfolk Street, San Mateo, CA, 94403

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Sunrise of San Mateo

955 South El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA, 94402

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Atria at Foster Square

707 Thayer Lane, Foster City, CA, 94404

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Sagebrook Senior Living

2750 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA, 94118

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5. Cadence Millbrae

1201 Broadway, Millbrae, CA, 94030

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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6. Coterie Cathedral Hill

1001 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94109

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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7. The Stratford

601 Laurel Avenue, San Mateo, CA, 94401

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

From $7722 / mo

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8. Pacifica Senior Living Burlingame

250 Myrtle Road, Burlingame, CA, 94010

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (833) 949-3263

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9. Serra Highlands Senior Living

501 King Drive, Daly City, CA, 94015

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 843-7557

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10. Oakmont of Mariner Point

2400 Mariner Square Drive, Alameda, CA, 94501

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 853-5446

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11. The Ivy at Golden Gate

1601 19th Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 867-8105

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12. Lake Park Senior Living

1850 Alice Street, Oakland, CA, 94612

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 874-4734

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13. Oakmont of Burlingame

1818 Trousdale Drive, Burlingame, CA, 94010

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 876-4096

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14. Ivy Park at Belmont

1010 Alameda de Las Pulgas, Belmont, CA, 94002

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 881-2933

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15. Heritage on the Marina

3400 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA, 94111

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 892-7839

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16. The Carlisle, Ivy Signature Living

1450 Post Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 897-5038

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17. Aldersly

326 Mission Street, San Rafael, CA, 94901

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 949-3278

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18. Ivy Park at Cathedral Hill

1550 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 987-3784

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19. Buena Vista Manor House

399 Buena Vista Ave E, San Francisco, CA, 94117

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 996-2447

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20. Vista Terrace of Belmont

900 6th Avenue, Belmont, CA, 94002

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in San Bruno, CA

The Cost of Assisted Living in San Bruno

At an average cost of $6,100 per month, assisted living facilities in San Bruno are more expensive than the California average of $5,000 and the national average of $4,300. Costs are lower in Arizona to the south, Nevada to the east, and Oregon to the north at $3,900, $3,595 and $4,659, respectively, but rise to $5,750 in Washington to Oregon’s north. 


San Bruno




The United States









The lowest monthly assisted living costs in California are found in the inland communities of Stockton, at $3,500, and Bakersfield, at $3,619, while their counterparts in Salinas and Napa pay the highest costs, at $7,100 and $6,250, respectively. At the southern end of the state, those in El Centro pay an average of $5,825, and those at the northern end in Redding pay a monthly average of $4,500.


San Bruno












El Centro



Note: Data for San Bruno was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, San Francisco, was used instead.

San Bruno Assisted Living Financial Assistance

The Assisted Living Waiver provides those requiring a nursing-home level of care but who would rather continue living in their own homes or assisted living facilities with help paying for some of the services associated with assisted living. Covered services include the tasks associated with daily living, such bathing, basic grooming and dressing. 

See our Assisted Living in California page for information on who’s eligible for the waiver and how to apply. 

San Bruno Assisted Living Resources

San Bruno Senior Center(650) 616-7150San Bruno Senior Center is a 50+ organization where members can join their peers for congregate meals, card and board games, bingo, community outings, seminars and classes and weekly hiking trips. Seniors are also welcome to drop in simply to sit and visit with others over a cup of coffee or tea. The center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. with the exception of dances and refreshments every Sunday afternoon.   
San Mateo County Veterans Services (650) 802-6598Veterans of all branches of the U.S. military can get help accessing service-based entitlements and benefits, including California state veterans benefits and service-based disability claims. The agency offers life insurance and assists veterans and their families with non-service pension claims.
San Mateo County Area Agency on Aging (650) 713-8447San Mateo County Healthy Aging & Adult Services provides referrals to relevant local, state and federal resources designed to optimize the quality of life for older adults as well as a number of direct services. Direct services include congregating nutrition, health insurance information and counseling, fall-prevention workshops and consumer education concerning scams that target the elderly. 
The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County Senior Advocates Program(650) 558-0915San Mateo County residents aged 60 and over can get help with legal issues through the Legal Aid Senior Advocacy Program. Older adults face a range of unique legal situations, such as elder abuse, advance care directives and accessing Social Security, Medi-Cal and other government benefits. Those who are homebound can request in-home appointments. 
Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County (650) 780-5707Ombudsman Services of Mateo County provides advocacy and intervention for San Mateo County residents who live in long-term care facilities. The organization’s mission is to ensure that the legal rights of those living in long-term care facilities are not violated in any way. All services are free of charge and confidential. 

San Bruno Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Long-term care facilities located in California must comply with all regulations and rules pursuant to their operations. These facilities are overseen and licensed by the  Senior Care Licensing Program

See our Assisted Living in California page for more information.