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Assisted Living in Dubuque, Iowa

Dubuque is a city in the eastern-most part of Iowa that sits along the Mississippi River with a population of nearly 95,000, 18.3% of whom are seniors 65 and up. The climate in Dubuque hits all four seasons, with mild summers and an average of 37 inches of snow in the winter.

Dubuque has over 1,200 acres of parkland, including the Marshall Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens and the Veterans Memorial Plaza. Dubuque has several local attractions, including the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, the Mines of Spain Recreation Area, and the Dubuque Museum of ArtThe Bell Tower Theater is a theatrical company that presents musicals, plays, and other theatrical productions.

The average monthly cost for assisted living in Dubuque is $4,568. However, rates can vary depending on factors such as location, amenities and services. There are four assisted living communities in Dubuque and one more nearby.

5 Assisted Living communities in Dubuque, IA | 1 nearby communities

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1. Oak Park Place Dubuque

1381 Oak Park Place, Dubuque, IA, 52002

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Trustwell Living at Eagle Point Place

2700 Matthew John Drive, Dubuque, IA, 52002

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Grand Meadows

5300 Grand Meadow Dr, Dubuque, IA, 52002

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Sunnycrest Manor

2375 ROOSEVELT STREET, Dubuque, IA, 52001

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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Henry Stout, Dubuque, IA

5. Henry Stout

125 W 9th St, Dubuque, IA, 52001

Residential Care

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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1 matching communities nearby Dubuque

1. Ahva Living of East Dubuque

430 Sidney St, East Dubuque, IL, 61025

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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Nearby Assisted Living
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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Dubuque, Iowa

The Cost of Assisted Living in Dubuque

With a monthly average cost of $4,568, assisted living care costs in Dubuque run nearly $500 higher than the average statewide rates. The national average of $4,300 is $268 lower than assisted living rates in Dubuque. The average assisted living cost is comparable in nearby Illinois at $4,575, while the rates in Nebraska, Wisconsin and Missouri are lower.






The United States









Average monthly costs of assisted living in other Iowa cities vary greatly. Southwest of Dubuque, the average rates in Cedar Rapids are $4,450, while to the south, costs run $4,106 in Iowa City. The average cost is lower in the central Iowa city of Ames ($3,723) and the border town of Davenport ($3,478), while to the west, Des Moines ($5,005) and Waterloo ($5,060) have some of the highest reported rates in the state.






Iowa City


Cedar Rapids




Des Moines





Dubuque Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Iowa’s Medicaid program operates the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Health and Disability Waiver (HCBS HD), which allows Medicaid to cover certain services in a home-based setting that people would receive in an institutional setting. Assisted living communities are included in the definition of a home-based setting. These services typically include assistance with activities of daily living, meal preparation, transportation, housekeeping and case management.

Learn more about the HCBS HD Waiver, including eligibility and how to apply, at our Assisted Living in Iowa page.

Dubuque Assisted Living Resources

Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging

(800) 779-8707The Northeast Iowa Area Agency helps seniors maintain independence through providing meal programs, caregiver support, advocacy, case management, options counseling, respite services, evidence-based health programs, and recreation and education programs. This center can help with information about long-term care options in the Dubuque area.
Dubuque County Veterans Affairs Office

(563) 589-7840The Dubuque County Veterans Affairs Office offers Dubuque seniors who have served in the military information and advice about what benefits they are entitled to through their programs. Some of those benefits may help cover the cost of long-term care. Representatives are available to help with the application process and to determine eligibility.
Iowa Care Planning Council

(800) 989-8137The Iowa Care Planning Council helps Iowa seniors with all aspects related to long-term care planning, including information about trusts, insurance, reverse mortgages, elder law, home care, veterans benefits and more. The council also provides information about long-term care facilities.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Dubuque County

(563) 589-2655The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), sponsored by Finley Hospital, is available to all Dubuque County residents who are looking to volunteer so they can enrich their lives and also the lives of others. This program helps seniors connect with volunteer service positions that match their interests and skills.
Salvation Army Senior Center(563) 556-1573The Salvation Army operates a senior center for residents of Dubuque. Call for more information about activities, location and hours.
Hills & Dales Senior Lifetime Center

(563) 556-7878The Hills & Dales Senior Lifetime Center hosts luncheons and provides seniors with stimulating and engaging activities, such as Wii bowling, card clubs, Swedish weaving, wood carving, health and wellness programs, exercise groups and more. The center maintains a monthly activity calendar and posts its weekly activities in the Dubuque Telegraph Herald.

Dubuque Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Assisted living communities in the Dubuque area must follow all of the state laws and regulations that govern all assisted living communities in Iowa. Visit our Assisted Living in Iowa for more details regarding these laws.