The unadorned building is situated on a well-traveled, four-lane street in North Hollywood, bordered by urban attractions. Marked crosswalks in front of Windsor Gardens guide pedestrians to a busy shopping center across the street. A walkway leads to the facility’s entrance, framed by two potted plants. As we toured the outdoor areas, we found both small patios to be empty. The sensible lobby décor consists of dark blue furnishings. In lieu of a receptionist, the admissions coordinator greets all visitors; her office is just to the left of the lobby. Watching staff interactions with residents was a joy for us. Staff warmly attended to residents’ needs, without so much as a slight pause before meeting a request. Their compassion was particularly evident during lunch, when they provided feeding assistance in a separate dining room to residents who needed help. The dining rooms have a standard appearance, with linoleum floors and cloth-covered tables. Mealtimes afford residents the opportunity to catch up with their peers.
Resident rooms accommodate up to three people in each, with privacy curtains between beds. The hospital-like feel is softened by homey bedspreads and personal touches. Some beds have nightstands beside them, while others have only a hospital tray. Residents in private rooms are fortunate to have patio access. Our overall impression was that the population was well cared for and content in their surroundings.