Welcome to Greensboro Nursing Home! Greensboro Nursing Home is a small, 30-bed facility nestled in the woods of the picturesque village of Greensboro, Vermont. Stop by and see what services we offer.
Greensboro Nursing Home is a non-profit, full service nursing home and rehabilitation center located in the picturesque town of Greensboro, Vermont. The Greensboro facility has been serving the community’s health care needs for over 80 years. We are located in an easily accessible area in northern Vermont, near beautiful Caspian Lake and Willey’s Country Store; a short drive from Morrisville and St. Johnsbury, Vermont, and close to the Canadian border.
We provide medical care and skilled nursing care as well as physical, occupational, and speech therapy. We also offer rehabilitation programs and respite care for the elderly, among other important treatment.