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Assisted Living in Weatherford, Texas

Known as the Peach Capital of Texas, Weatherford is a small city with a population of 33,547. Located 25 miles west of Fort Worth, 17.3% of Weatherford’s residents are aged 65 and older. The city is also known for its cutting horses and is home to many Hall of Fame horses. Weatherford’s weather varies throughout the year, with hot and humid summers and cold and windy winters. Temperatures range between 35°F and 96°F, but the city remains warm from April until October, which is an ideal climate for seniors who enjoy outdoor activities. Local attractions include the charming Chandor Gardens, the 30-acre Cartwright Park, the picturesque Lake Weatherford and the Parker County Peach Festival. There are 17 assisted living facilities in the Weatherford area and close proximity to Fort Worth gives residents access to 19 different hospitals.

Senior citizens who don’t need a clinical level of care but want or need to live in a residential setting, where they can avail personal services such as housekeeping, help with nonmedical care and meals often choose to live in assisted living facilities. Some facilities feature upscale amenities such as spas and wine bars. Per Genworth’s 2021 Cost of Care Survey, the cost of assisted living in Weatherford averages $4,165 per month. 

Our guide to assisted living in Weatherford contains cost comparison data, advice on paying for care and a list of local resources designed specifically for older adults. 

6 Assisted Living communities in Weatherford, TX | 1 nearby communities

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1. Brookdale Weatherford

904 South Lamar Street, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. West Fork at Weatherford

980 Hilltop Drive, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Martin Crest

1818 Martin Drive, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Windsor Court Senior Living

1101 Jameson Street, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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Hilltop Park Rehabilitation And Care Center, Weatherford, TX

5. Hilltop Park Rehabilitation And Care Center

970 Hilltop Dr, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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Crescent Senior Care, Weatherford, TX

6. Crescent Senior Care

1219 Holland Lake Dr, Weatherford, TX, 76086

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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1 matching communities nearby Weatherford

1. ClearFork Senior Living

178 Crown Pointe Blvd., Willow Park, TX, 76087

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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Nearby Assisted Living
Nearby Alzheimer’s Care

What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

COVID-19 Rules and Restrictions for Assisted Living in Weatherford

COVID-19 restrictions and rules for Assisted Living Facilities are typically set by the state – to see the rules in your state, you can read our guide to Assisted Living in Texas. Keep in mind that there may be other policies that communities put in place to protect their residents, so you should contact your local community for more information. Additionally, you can contact your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more – find contact information here.

Paying For Assisted Living in Weatherford

The average monthly cost of assisted living in Weatherford is $4,195. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in Weatherford

Assisted living in Weatherford and other Dallas suburbs is more affordable than the national average of $4,500 and slightly higher than the Texas average of $3,998. 






The United States

Assisted living in Weatherford costs less than in Austin and Houston, where prices are higher at $5,345 and $4,245 per month, respectively. Residents of assisted living facilities in the Texas panhandle community of Amarillo pay nearly $500 more than those in Weatherford at an average of $4,600 per month. San Antonio residents pay $3,413, which is nearly $800 less than the average in Weatherford. Assisted living is more affordable for coastal residents in Corpus Christi at an average of $3,388 and in the state’s western corner in El Paso at $3,750.










San Antonio


Corpus Christi


El Paso

Note: Data for Weatherford was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Dallas, was used instead.

How to Get Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Weatherford

Paying for assisted living facilities in Texas

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

Since not everyone can afford to pay for assisted living out-of-pocket, it’s important to find alternative methods to help make assisted living more affordable. Some of these options include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about your options for making assisted living more affordable, visit our guide to Assisted Living in Texas.

Weatherford Assisted Living Resources

Parker County Committee on Aging (PCCOA)(817) 596-4640The mission of the Parker County Committee on Aging, Inc. is to assess the needs of homebound older adults in Parker County and provide life-sustaining services that allow them to live in the comfort of their homes. In addition to advocating and empowering older adults, the PCCOA also operates a senior center. Open to residents over the age of 60, the center serves nutritious meals, and seniors can participate in social activities such as pool, bingo and billiards. A food bank is located on-site for seniors in need.
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services(512) 438-3011Part of the No Wrong Door system, the Aging & Disability Resource Center is organized by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. The goal is to help streamline information about funding sources and eligibility for older residents in all 254 counties in the state of Texas.  A wide range of services are offered, designed to create opportunities for independent living, provide caregivers with support tools, allow seniors to access nutritious meals at home or in group settings and help guide long-term care decisions. Detailed information about federal programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security are also available.
Parker County Veteran Services(817) 598-6153Veterans and their families can receive assistance with VA claims, mental health counseling and social support from Parker County Veteran Sevices. The office also provides a resource guide to services and programs in the area that support veterans, including programs such as Meals for Vets. Veterans who need financial assistance with senior living and nursing home care costs can contact the Veterans Office to determine their eligibility for the Aid and Attendance benefit.
North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging800) 272-3921Seniors over 60 and their families can access programs and services to support the aging process via the North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging. Services including nutritious meals, transportation services, benefits counseling, long-term care ombudsman, care coordination and nursing home relocation. Caregiver counseling and workshops are offered, including workshops conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association of North Central Texas.
Health Information, Counseling, and Advocacy Program (HICAP)

(512) 477-6000HICAP assists seniors over the age of 60 with legal advice and referrals. Medicare beneficiaries under the age of 60 are also able to receive these services. The initiative is developed in partnership with the statewide Area Agencies on Aging, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Legal Services Center. A benefits counselor manual and educational video library are available on the program’s website.

Weatherford Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Assisted Living Facilities in the Weatherford area are required to follow a set of rules and regulations that are determined at the state level. For an overview of those rules and regulations, see the information below. For more specific information, talk with your local community or Area Agency on Aging.

Assisted Living Laws and regulations in Texas