Parkview Manor Care Center

$ Call for Rates

1009 Third St, Reinbeck, IA 50669


Care Types: Nursing Care, Assisted Living, Retirement

Parkview Manor Nursing Home is in Reinbeck, Iowa, and is beside Elmwood Park. Seniors living on its campus are close to local eateries and convenience stores. A pharmacy, some churches and a few other parks as well as Oakleaf Golf and Country Club are also nearby.

Parkview Manor Nursing Home provides medical services to residents in coordination with their physicians and offers skilled nursing and personal care services to make them comfortable and help them maintain personal hygiene. This is a community offering rehabilitation services to make the recovery process easier for residents who’ve had operations or been injured. Nurses also manage medication schedules for residents. Dementia and respite care and vision and podiatry care services are available on the campus, too. …. SHOW MORE

Residents are served three daily meals and kept on a robust nutrition regimen, and they have access to healthy snacks any time they want them. They don’t have to worry about doing their own housekeeping or laundry either. The management at this community chooses activities and plans events for everyone based on their individual and collective interests and capabilities.


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