Franklin Woods Health Care

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2770 Clime Rd, Columbus, OH 43223


Care Types: Nursing Care

Franklin Woods Nursing and Rehab is a 100-bed nursing facility located about 15 minutes from downtown Columbus, Ohio. Local hospitals include Mount Carmel West and Ohio State University Hospital East. The city is also home to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

Franklin Woods Nursing and Rehab provides short-term care, long-term care and rehabilitation services. Those requiring short-term care have access to neuromuscular therapy, respiratory therapy and wound care. Cancer care, pain management, diabetes care, memory care and medication management are offered to long-term residents. Speech, occupational and physical therapies are provided. …. SHOW MORE

Phones, cable TV and Wi-Fi are provided, as well as housekeeping, laundry and maintenance services. There is a movie theater on the property in addition to a beauty salon. Several different meal options are offered. The staff, who are available 24/7, come up with recreational activities to help keep residents entertained.


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