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Assisted Living in Mount Pleasant, Texas

Surrounded by serene freshwater lakes, Mount Pleasant is a charming small town with classic Southern US charm. It is home to 15,978 people,  12.4% of whom are seniors. Mount Pleasant sees hot summers and  mild, dry winters with rare snowfall, making it easy for older adults to get around outside. Residents can go boating, swimming, fishing and bird watching at any number of nearby lakes. Mount Pleasant also has a range of historical attractions, including the Edison Phonograph Museum and the Mid America Flight Museum.

In Mount Pleasant, seniors can expect to pay around $3,995 per month for assisted living. These prices are averages and can vary depending on the location, care plan and amenities available. Texas is relatively tax friendly toward retirees and has no state income tax, which can help make assisted living here more affordable.

2 Assisted Living communities in Mount Pleasant, TX | 2 nearby communities

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1. Heritage Park Village

1714 North Edwards Avenue, Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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Mt Pleasant Assisted Living, Mount Pleasant, TX

2. Mt Pleasant Assisted Living

2009 N Edwards Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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2 matching communities nearby Mount Pleasant

1. Indigo Assisted Living

205 Giles Ave, Omaha, TX, 75571

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Southern Wind Manor

618 Quitman Street, Pittsburg, TX, 75686

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Mount Pleasant, Texas

The Cost of Assisted Living in Mount Pleasant

Assisted living in Mount Pleasant costs a monthly average of $3,995. This price is less than the national average of $4,300 and just under state average of $3,998. Seniors can find lower state average prices in neighboring Oklahoma, at $3,750, Arkansas, at $3,500, and Louisiana, at $3,639. New Mexico is more expensive, averaging $4,050 per month.


Mount Pleasant




The United States








New Mexico

Assisted living costs in Mount Pleasant are relatively affordable compared to many Texas cities. Dallas is more expensive, at $4,400, as is Austin, at $4,250. Seniors in Houston’s assisted living communities can expect to pay around $4,750 per month. San Antonio is more affordable, at $3,599, as is Corpus Christi, at $3,260. Texarkana has some of the state’s lowest assisted living costs, at $2,600.


Mount Pleasant


Mount Pleasant




Corpus Christi


San Antonio







Note: Data for Mount Pleasant was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Longview, was used instead.

Mount Pleasant Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Seniors 65 and up in Mount Pleasant can apply for the STAR+PLUS program offered by Texas Medicaid. This is a managed care program that can help pay for assisted living as well as skilled nursing and rehabilitative therapy. To learn more about this program and its application process, visit our Assisted Living in Texas page.

Mount Pleasant Assisted Living Resources

Area Agency on Aging of East Texas

(800) 442-8845This Area Agency on Aging offers social services to older adults. A benefits counseling program helps seniors learn about and apply for health insurance while a care coordination service provides case management and long-term care placement. This agency also runs the office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, which advocates for the welfare of care home residents. In addition, seniors can take advantage of healthy aging education offered here.
Texas Veterans Commission (800) 252-8387This organization provides support and advocacy to veterans throughout the Lone Star State. Here, service members can get help accessing and applying for financial assistance programs. This organization also offers crisis response services and referrals to mental health and medical care.
Lone Star Legal Aid(903) 758-9123Seniors and disabled adults can access pro bono legal information, guidance and representation at this non-profit law firm. Assistance is available with cases related to public benefits access, financial issues and housing disputes. Free legal clinics offer self-help education on topics such as will preparation and financial planning.
Ark-Tex Council of Governments(903) 832-8636This organization’s TRAX program offers low-cost transportation to residents of rural communities in northeastern Texas. Seniors and disabled adults can arrange rides to medical appointments, errands and leisure activities through this service.
AARP Texas(866) 227-7443 Older adults can access educational and social events here. The AARP hosts courses on subjects such as driver’s safety and fraud awareness as well as special events including picnics and live entertainment. It also offers free tax preparation on an annual basis.

Mount Pleasant Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

In Mount Pleasant, assisted living facilities are regulated by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. This body protects the welfare of care home residents by enforcing regulations regarding security and upkeep. Visit our Assisted Living in Texas page to learn more about these laws and regulations.